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Housing Q&A: Valentine Wu, B.C. Greens

The Burnaby NOW sent the following five questions on housing to each of the Burnaby candidates. Candidates were asked to answer each question in 50 words or less. Here are the answers from Valentine Wu, running for the B.C.

The Burnaby NOW sent the following five questions on housing to each of the Burnaby candidates.

Candidates were asked to answer each question in 50 words or less.

Here are the answers from Valentine Wu, running for the B.C. Green Party in Burnaby-Edmonds.

1. What city do you live in, and what neighbourhood in that city?

I live in MetroTown, Burnaby.

2. Do you rent or own your own home?


3. If you own a home, when did you buy it? How has the current housing market situation impacted you?


4. If you rent, or have another housing arrangement, how has the current housing market situation impacted you?

Almost no impacts on housing expenses. But other living costs increased along with the currently unhealthy housing market, which impacts me a lot.

5. If there is one single policy that the next provincial government can enact to address a housing need, what would that policy be? Be specific.

Stop selling public land and use public land to build social housing, co-op housing, rental housing to promote healthy housing development to provide what people need. When raising funds for such housing development, local individual investors who are seeking for long-term, stable returns should have high priority.