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Helen Ward

Party: Burnaby First Coalition Profession: Teacher, singer Why are you running? The NDP-BCA has lost touch with its roots in the social justice tradition of its founders Tommy Douglas and J.S. Woodsworth.
Helen Ward

Party: Burnaby First Coalition

Profession: Teacher, singer


Why are you running?

The NDP-BCA has lost touch with its roots in the social justice tradition of its founders Tommy Douglas and J.S. Woodsworth. Closing the Brentwood bus loop, ignoring the hardship imposed on transit users. Supersizing density to allow towers of 70 storeys without conducting legally required public consultations. Allowing demolition of affordable apartments “protected” in official plans. No zoning in plans for community institutions owned by grassroots groups.


Top 3 Issues:

1.       Density and planning: hold required public consultations to amend official community plans

2.       Make transit user-friendly

3.       Empower community groups with supportive zoning and taxation, and inclusion of their programs in city advertising


Contact Info:



Twitter: @helenw2014