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Caregiver Expo coming to Bonsor

Twenty-plus exhibitors and six guest speakers on the agenda
Bereavement Walk
From left, Ron Anderson, Ron Bahrey and Colin Wong take a walk around the Burnaby Mountain golf course during a bereavement walk led by Bahrey. The weekly, one-hour walks are designed to help those working through grief connect with others facing the same challenges.

Ron Anderson has been the full-time caregiver for his house-bound wife for the last seven years.

Janet has myalgic encephalomyelitis, a chronic degenerative disease that affects the central nervous system. In her case, it started with shingles and eventually led to extreme fatigue, sensitivity to noise and movement and paralysis of some muscles.

As the full-time caregiver, Anderson said his wife’s schedule has been his schedule. Up until recently, he didn’t get out much, was feeling isolated and was under severe stress.

“Life was draining out of me,” he told the NOW.

It wasn’t until last year, when Anderson attended the Burnaby Seniors Outreach Services Society’s annual Caregiver Expo that he started to “pay attention” to himself.

“That started a complete change for me,” said Anderson. “I was headed towards a breakdown, not really knowing it. I wasn’t eating properly, I wasn’t sleeping properly and I wasn’t getting out and exercising.”

The expo provided resources for people in his predicament and allowed him to implement some positive changes. Anderson attended a support group the following day and went on to join a weekly bereavement walking group, which is for caregivers, too.

“Even our daughters noticed that I had improved,” he said, adding he’s also received training to be a hospice volunteer. “I’m purposely getting out and doing things and meeting other people and having some social interaction, which is really helping. I’m feeling much better.”

Anderson encourages all caregivers to attend this year’s expo, set for Saturday, March 25. More importantly, he wants people to know they’re not alone.

“It really helped me to appreciate how important it is for the caregiver to look after themselves,” he said.

The expo will feature 20-plus exhibitors and six guest speakers, including a keynote speech by care innovator Vickie Cammack. There will be presentations on understanding the brain under stress, proactive financing and more.

The event is on from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Bonsor Recreation Complex, 6550 Bonsor Ave. Parking is free. For more information, visit, call 604-291-2258 or email [email protected].