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'A profound responsibility': Burnaby's new school board sworn in

'By electing each of you, the community has put their confidence, faith and trust in you,' a judge told Burnaby school trustees at their swearing-in Tuesday.

The election of chair, vice-chair and other posts was an efficient affair after Burnaby’s new all-Burnaby Citizens Association school board was sworn in Tuesday evening.

All positions were filled by acclamation, with second-term trustee Bill Brassington and rookie trustee Kristin Schnider acclaimed as chair and vice-chair respectively.

Their terms last for one year.

Boards of education are elected every four years. Their role is to set up procedures and guidelines for the operation of public schools, and they are responsible for producing budgets, administering expenditures and liaising with individual schools through the School Trustee Liaison Program.

Before swearing each of them in individually at Tuesday’s public meeting, B.C. provincial court Judge Jeffrey Campbell told trustees they had accepted “a profound responsibility.”

“By electing each of you, the community has put their confidence, faith and trust in you,” Campbell said. “Your role in making decisions affecting the education of our children is a vital and impactful duty. It is important that we recognize the importance of this duty with an oath.”

Burnaby Citizens Association candidates swept the school board elections in October, with five incumbents and two newcomers.

Veteran trustee Larry Hayes was elected to a seventh term, Gary Wong won a fifth term, Brassington, Jen Mezei and Peter Cech secured second terms, and Schnider and Mikelle Sasakamoose won their first terms.

For more information about the Burnaby school board, including public meetings times, visit the school district website.

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