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Burnaby teachers pelted with water balloons for Ukraine fundraiser

Students at Seaforth Elementary School raised $2,000 for victims of the war in Ukraine by selling tickets to smack teachers with water balloons.

Students at a Burnaby elementary school donated generously for a good cause this month – and for a chance to bean their teachers with water balloons.

Seaforth Elementary School’s Grade 7 student leadership club thought up the idea of selling tickets to raise money for the Red Cross’s humanitarian appeal for Ukraine.

In exchange for the tickets, students would be allowed to hurl water balloons at teachers.

More than 20 teachers and staff agreed to submit to the ordeal for a good cause.

By the end of last week, the school had raised $2,000.

On Friday, the whole school gathered outside to watch teachers and other staff get pelted.

In the spirit of fairness, the Grade 7s, too, lined up and allowed some of the school’s youngest students squirt them with toy water pumps.

Cameron Elementary snack fundraiser

Entrepreneurial students at Cameron Elementary School used a different method to raise thousands of dollars for Ukraine.

Grade 5/6 teacher Sarah Larsen said the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been a topic close to many Cameron families’ hearts since some are refugees themselves and others originate from Eastern Europe where many Ukrainian refugees are relocating.

Larsen’s class launched a regular recess fundraiser every Thursday to help, selling juice, chips, lollipops, ice cream and crafts.

“For all food items, my students researched costs and the location to get the best prices,” Larsen said in an email. 

To date, the kids have raised nearly $4,000 through their sales and another $2,000 in online donations.

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