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City works to pay for playgrounds

Three Burnaby schools get upgrades - including a playdome for Marlborough

Three lucky schools will receive $4,000 each to help fund their playground upgrades.

Ecole Marlborough Elementary, Maywood Community School and Stoney Creek Community School qualified for playground development grants from the City of Burnaby.

The schools received funding on a first come, first serve basis and had to meet the criteria set by the city, including 50 per cent of funds already raised at the time of the request, the playground must be accessible to the public, and the project must be finished within one year, among others.

Maywood is putting in eight swings and improving the grounds with a total cost of $8,000. The school's parent advisory committee already raised half the project cost.

Stoney Creek's school also has an $8,000 playground cost with half the funds raised for its basketball and tossups project.

Marlborough Elementary's project cost is $40,000, with $36,000 already raised. The school is putting in a play dome.

The city puts aside $12,000 in its operating budget every year and, with few exceptions, gives it out as well.