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Deck the halls - and then tell us all about it

Share your special Christmas light displays with fellow Now readers

Each year, the Burnaby NOW newspaper publishes a list of local holiday light displays - the bigger, the better.

City residents who put on unique, extravagant or otherwise impressive displays that tend to gather a crowd should let us know about them.

Please send all details, including address, time of day that lights go on and off, where donation dollars are given (if applicable), how many years the display has been put on, who is involved in helping put it up each year, and a description of some of the pieces included in the display and the total number of lights. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number as well.

Photos of the displays are appreciated and may be published in the NOW along with any listings received, prior to Christmas.

To submit a display, or to find out more information, contact reporter Christina Myers at cmyers@