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Letter: Burnaby's Kensington Avenue overpass needs to be 'revised'

This letter writer believes the lights on the south side of the overpass are "too close together," making the commute home longer.
Kensington Avenue and Canada Way looking north to the Highway 1 overpass on on-ramp.

The Editor:

Having commuted to Burnaby for 31 years and recently having to use the Kensington overpass for work, I am absolutely appalled at the pure stupidity of the new lights.

The lights on the south side are too close together. The merge lanes make no sense whatsoever.

I’m no engineer or roadway expert, but I think the city could have done a better job.

It’s been two months of hell.

For example, it takes 30 minutes to get from Deer Lake to the overpass.

In my opinion, the whole design needs to be revised.

- Maureen Clements, Port Coquitlam