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Lighting up for the critters

A certain feathered creature was watching from on high as Michael Gallagher was stringing his home with Christmas lights.

A certain feathered creature was watching from on high as Michael Gallagher was stringing his home with Christmas lights. It was a barred owl perched on a nearby telephone pole, and the bird served as an inspiration to dedicate his display as a fundraising effort for the Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C.

"We have so much wildlife here, and we are lucky to see the geese flying overhead, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, bears and lots and lots of different birds on the feeders in the garden," Gallagher said in a press release. "I am blessed with a marriage that's 23 years strong and healthy kids, and I am happy that I am in a position to give back and support Wildlife Rescue."

Gallagher's home, at 7898 Kentwood St., is not far from Burnaby Lake.

The annual Christmas display, featuring 20,000 lights, attracts admirers on foot, by car and even tour bus. This year, Gallagher has added a collection box in hopes that visitors will donate to help wildlife.

The association, with headquarters at Burnaby Lake, cares for thousands of injured and orphaned wild animals every year, and Gallagher has come across his fair share of critters in need of help, while working in construction. Over the years, Gallagher has brought injured animals to the Wildlife Rescue Association's care centre.

For more information on the association, visit www.