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Photos: Burnaby school welcomes students to 2022/23 school year

Wednesday was the first full day of school for students around the Burnaby school district.

Students across Burnaby flocked back to school this week for the start of a new school year.

The NOW visited Second Street Community School Wednesday to capture photos of the annual migration.

The lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic remained evident, with some students and families arriving for the first full day of school wearing masks.

Anti-COVID measures at Burnaby schools remain much the same as they were at the end of last year, and a poster on the school district website urges folks to “respect individual choices, respect personal space, stay home if you are sick and wash your hands frequently.”

“Health and safety will remain a priority this year,” Second Street principal Jeff Hutton wrote to parents in a welcome letter at the end of August. “If your child is not feeling well please do not bring them to school. We will be calling home to have sick students picked up. We know this is an inconvenience, but it is in everyone’s best interest to keep everyone healthy.”

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