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Poll: What's the most pressing issue in the Burnaby election?

Vote in our online poll to have your say in what issues are top-of-mind in Burnaby.
What issues do Burnaby residents care about as the upcoming civic election approaches? Take our poll to have your say.

As Burnaby prepares to elect a mayor, city councillors and school board trustees, the Burnaby NOW wants to know: what civic issues are top-of-mind for you?

Vote in our online poll below!

As campaigns begin to ramp up, what issues are you hoping elected officials will act on in your community?

Are you most concerned about housing in Burnaby? Or are you more focused on social issues like child care? Is infrastructure of the utmost importance to you, or is it crime and policing? What about the environment — or something else entirely?

Your votes will help to inform our coverage of the election campaign this fall, in advance of the Oct. 15 election.

If the option most pressing for you isn’t listed in this poll, please write us a comment below or email [email protected].