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Trial of man accused of killing Burnaby student Amanda Zhao wraps up in China

The trial in China of Ang Li, accused of killing his former girlfriend Amanda Zhao in Burnaby in 2002, has wrapped up in China.

The trial in China of Ang Li, accused of killing his former girlfriend Amanda Zhao in Burnaby in 2002, has wrapped up in China.

Zhao's cousin Li Junjun told Ming Pao, a Vancouver Chinese-language newspaper, that the trial ended after just two days, and that a decision is expected at a later date.

Li is on trial in Beijing, accused of murdering Zhao in Canada. Zhao was found stuffed in a suitcase near Stave Lake in October 2002. Li, who had been living with Zhao in Burnaby, fled to China before he could be charged in Canada.

Junjun told Ming Pao that neither Li nor his parents showed any remorse or made any apologies. On the first day of the trial, Li's parents yelled loudly in court saying "My son is innocent," and the judge later ordered the couple to leave the courtroom, Ming Pao reported. The pair was allowed to attend the second day of trial only after they apologized and promised not to disrupt court proceedings again, Ming Pao reported.

Junjun told Ming Pao that Li made a statement on the first day of the trial, saying "I've been oppressed for nine years, now it's time to show my innocence." Li said he was forced to provide a statement to police against his will, and his mother insisted outside court that he is innocent, Ming Pao reported.

Zhao was attending a Coquitlam language school and living in a basement suite with Li and his cousin Hao Zhang when Li reported her missing on Oct. 9, 2002. He claimed she had gone to the grocery store and never returned. Her body was found Oct. 20 and Li fled to China three days later.

The Sun reported earlier this week that New Democrat MLA Jenny Kwan said the case is unprecedented because evidence gathered by the RCMP for a crime committed in Canada was turned over to a foreign jurisdiction for a prosecution there. China waived the death penalty in the case, Kwan said.