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Two Burnaby venues will light up red for United Way BC Day

Here's why City Hall and BC Parkway in Burnaby will shine a radiant red on Tuesday, Sept. 26.
Burnaby City Hall 1
Burnaby City Hall to be lit in red on Sept. 26 to mark United Way BC Day.

A pair of Burnaby landmarks — City Hall and BC Parkway — will light up red this week to mark United Way BC Day.

United Way has declared Tuesday, Sept. 26 as United Way BC Day, marking the official launch of the organization’s fall fundraising campaigning.

A number of communities across B.C., including Burnaby, will light up landmarks and venues in red for the occasion.

The provincial organization serves over four million British Columbians, delivering resources and support to the people who need it most — whether it is due to a pandemic, flooding event, summer wildfire or any day-to-day struggles — and drive positive, lasting change in our local communities.

"Never before has our campaign theme 'Here. for each other.' been more appropriate," said Michael McKnight, president and CEO of United Way BC.

"For a variety of reasons, many people in our communities have become vulnerable in ways they had not experienced or anticipated previously — and as a unified provincial organization, United Way BC has the ability to respond to these urgent needs — with the support of British Columbians."

The organization said, in a news release, many British Columbians are struggling to afford basic necessities due to the rising cost of living.

More than half of youth experience depression and 39 per cent face anxiety, they said, in reference to a report published by Children First Canada — stating the number of children and youth struggling with their mental wellbeing is of great concern.

Additionally, the organization also observed a growing seniors population requires services and supports to keep them healthy and active.

According to United Way BC, the organization has delivered 3.35 million meals and hampers to more than 81,500 families to help address food security last year and supported almost 6,800 children through the School’s Out Program.

Courtenay, Creston, Nanaimo, Richmond, Vancouver and Williams Lake have all adopted proclamations to honour United Way BC Day.