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Water project gets more funds

The city is spending an additional $2.75 million on its watermain renewal project this year. The additional funding was approved by Burnaby council at the July 16 council meeting.

The city is spending an additional $2.75 million on its watermain renewal project this year.

The additional funding was approved by Burnaby council at the July 16 council meeting.

Council had approved $8 million for Phase 1 of the annual project, but staff requested the extra funding to complete this year's renewals.

The annual watermain renewal program was established to replace the aging watermain infrastructure in Burnaby and upgrade water flow capacity for firefighting purposes and city growth.

City council also authorized $165,000 in capital funding to replace a concrete slab on the west approach to the Still Creek Drive bridge, according to a report from Burnaby's director of engineering, Lambert Chu.

And $40,000 from the city's capital funds was approved to update aging meters and replace those that have been damaged.