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Burnaby helped ensure this road is social distancing-friendly

People keep saying that it’s totally safe to go outside for exercise. Well, yes and no. If you are going out walking or cycling, you still have to maintain a social and physical distance.
burnaby new west covid-19 central valley greenway
The City of Burnaby teamed up with the City of New Westminster along with regional Central Valley Greenway to create a path that will enable physical distancing for walkers and wheelers along a “tight segment” where North Road becomes East Columbia Street. City of New Westminster photo

People keep saying that it’s totally safe to go outside for exercise.

Well, yes and no. If you are going out walking or cycling, you still have to maintain a social and physical distance. Fresh air won’t stop the transmission of COVID-19 if you get too close.

It’s why some cities, such as Burnaby, have made certain trails one-way only so people don’t pass each other.

The City of Burnaby also teamed up with the City of New Westminster along with regional Central Valley Greenway to create a path that will enable physical distancing for walkers and wheelers along a “tight segment” where North Road becomes East Columbia Street.

As you can see from the photo, cones have been set up and signage is now in place.