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Activists muddle minds

Dear Editor: Re: Global warming not a hoax, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, July 19.

Dear Editor: Re: Global warming not a hoax, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, July 19.

Claims about skeptics claiming greenhouse gases do not cause global warming are not only false, but they are deeply malicious and are made with the deliberate intent of confusing people.

Skeptic scientists - a.k.a. "deniers" by those promoting the idea of man-caused global warming - have never actually denied the existence of global warming or said that greenhouse gases do not cause global warming.

Letter writer (Victor) Finberg would know this if he studied the issue in depth rather than repeating worn-out talking points. What skeptic scientists have done since the inception of the so-called global warming crisis is question whether the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has conclusively made its case that humaninduced greenhouse gases are the primary driver of global warming. These skeptics offer highly detailed climate assessments, which cite thousands of peer-reviewed science journal-published papers, but the folks on Al Gore's side of the issue can do no more than tell us to ignore these reports because of unsupportable notions about "consensus" opinion being against these, or that the reports are outright fabrications created and financed under direction from the fossil fuel industry. This begs for a twoword response: Prove it.

Anybody who cares about the future of their children, and in a more general sense, about other people's children, needs to inform themselves about these issues in a fair and balanced manner, and in doing so, it is the motivations of the enviro-activists which become clear.

Skeptics have been exposing the scientific doubt about the issue that was preexisting from the start.

Russell Cook

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