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Opinion: Now Burnaby stratas can yell at each other on Zoom

Life isn’t fun sitting on a strata council. I know because I’ve been elected to a few in my younger days and they were unpleasant.
This is what a Zoom board meeting looks like
This is what a Zoom board meeting looks like.

Life isn’t fun sitting on a strata council.

I know because I’ve been elected to a few in my younger days and they were unpleasant. Each one was divided into a few people who wanted to just get things done in an orderly fashion and then a group of annoying busy-bodies who recoiled at the thought of ever spending a nickel of money.

The busy-bodies were more interested in enforcing petty bylaws – like the height and weight of dogs - than investing in the upkeep and future of the building in question.

I’ve seen people yell at each other during regular meetings, but especially during annual general meetings – that is if the AGM could actually get a quorum. There also always seemed to be one person who solidified power with a bucketful of proxies from owners too lazy to show up to one meeting a year.

I shudder even thinking about this – the scars haven’t healed.

So I’m curious how things will play out during COVID-19 now that the provincial government has announced it is supporting strata corporations holding meetings electronically, including their annual and special general meetings, during the current provincial state of emergency.

This temporary change under the Emergency Program Act applies to all strata corporations, whether or not they already have a bylaw allowing electronic meetings.

The order helps strata corporations hold annual or special general meetings in accordance with the provincial health officer's order against gatherings of more than 50 people.

Each strata corporation will need to determine what electronic meeting method works best for them. The strata council may choose from options such as Zoom, Skype or telephone conference calls, as long as it allows everyone to communicate with each other during the meeting.

I’ve taken part in a few Zoom meetings and they can be chaotic even with a few people because sometimes everyone is talking at one. Conference call are even worse because you can’t see anyone.

I’m trying to imagine one of those heated AGMs on Zoom as people squabble over the height of dogs allowed in the building or a monthly fee increase or just try to settle petty personal grievances. (And don’t forget the requisite whiny speech from the strata president about how nobody respects the work they do.)

I predict some unwieldy meetings with a lot of confusion, but I wish them the best of luck.

Then there are those folks who still don’t have access to technology (?!?!).

According to the province, if an online meeting platform is chosen, alternatives for owners without a computer could include:

* attending by telephone;

* participating by proxy by giving their voting instructions to someone who will be attending the meeting; or

* attending in person, ensuring the two-metre physical distancing order is followed.

Good luck with that.

Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.