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Opinion: Too many Burnaby drivers are menaces around ambulances

Three times in the past week, I’ve been driving on a Burnaby road and seen drivers do something stupid around ambulances.
stolen ambulance
If you see an ambulance with its lights flashing on a Burnaby road, get out of the way. NOW files

Three times in the past week, I’ve been driving on a Burnaby road and seen drivers do something stupid around ambulances.

The ambulance has either been crossing an intersection or racing along a street – lights flashing, siren blaring – and one or more drivers have gotten in their way.

Instead of pulling over to the side of the road and letting them pass - or staying out of the intersection so they can cross – these drivers blunder into the path of the ambulance. I've seen the drivers and each one had a stunned "whut?!" look on their face.

These actions either nearly cause accidents or they simply slow down the ambulance that is trying to get to a hospital or the scene of someone in distress.

It’s not just ambulances, of course. The same thing happens to fire trucks and police cruisers.

What’s in common is the stupidity of the driver. If you see an emergency vehicle, GET OUT OF THE WAY!

It’s possible that some people can’t hear the sirens because Tupac song is on full blast, so perhaps turn down the volume.

Oh, and be award of your surroundings. I know police like to tell that to pedestrian and cyclists, but drivers need to do this as well.

Pay attention to the road while you’re driving.

Follow me on Twitter @shinebox44.