Dear Editor:
Re: Power and impact of words is in your hands, Our View, Burnaby NOW, Aug. 12.
It is very interesting how individuals, writers and the media pontificate on a subject, little realizing that while they are right to a small degree, they really know very little about the subject.
Of course words can be used constructively or destructively. However, when some inconsiderate individuals describe what they see in blunt terms, they did not create the problem they observed, they are simply stating what they see, the result.
No matter what condition any one of us suffers from, that condition is the fruition or result of a cause. Whether it is a sickness, disease or mental problem, business or personal problems, etc., we (or our parents, if a youngster) were the cause. That is only a basic law of life.
Consider a new gardener who selects seeds that he or she thinks are carrot seeds, but when they grow, they turn out to be turnips! If someone states "that's a turnip," is that person wrong or the individual that planted the seed?
You state "words have a power." Of course they do! There is no greater power in life than the "power of the word." We only have a mind as human beings with the ability to create because of language. Everyone should be taught its power for good or evil.
There is a basic principle here that very few properly understand.
One might also ask you if every word has a tremendous power: What about the names (words) of people, countries, cities, provinces, states, etc.? What effect do they have?
Croft Stanfield, Burnaby