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Dear Editor, I'm giving up on your socialist rag

Dear Editor: It is absolutely ludicrous to expect any kind of fairness or balance from the local papers, especially this one, when it comes to political or social awareness hereabouts.

Dear Editor:

It is absolutely ludicrous to expect any kind of fairness or balance from the local papers, especially this one, when it comes to political or social awareness hereabouts.

It is the same old fawning names, glorifying, through their letters, columns and etc. anything pro-NDP, pro-gay, pro-environment extremism, and anti-liberal or conservative thought of any kind, even expunging some little praise given by a commentator to a contributor or columnist that might agree ever so minutely to choices outside of their particular mandate. 

While we are aware of the editor's association with her own particular union, (we few, we happy few) were wont to assume fairness on her part but have been severely disappointed in so doing, to the point of not wasting time with, what has become nothing but a socialist rag, that jumps through the time-honoured hoops of Burnaby city council and various other extremist organizations of the Godless Hordes.

Larry Bennett, Burnaby