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Don't panic about puddle "scum"

Dear Editor: Re: Scum: Is it good or bad?, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 4. On page 3 we see a forlorn looking Burnaby resident, with knitted brow and arched eyebrows, having found a "scum" covered puddle in a "ditch" near a drainage area by Burnaby Lake.

Dear Editor:

Re: Scum: Is it good or bad?, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 4.

On page 3 we see a forlorn looking Burnaby resident, with knitted brow and arched eyebrows, having found a "scum" covered puddle in a "ditch" near a drainage area by Burnaby Lake.

Apparently he has been assured by environmental experts (likely hired at great expense) to oversee the accumulation of such primordial-like slime (from which Darwinists assure us, we originated), that there is no need to hyperventilate just yet.  Some of the best Scotch is made from peat bog supplied water!

This all brings to mind a snapshot of me and my brother taken circa 1955 near Calgary (Montgomery) posing before a barrack-like building containing three small apartments, iceboxes on the porch, and frothy puddles in front where slop-buckets had been emptied.

There was no sewer system at the time and the outhouses are behind the building, no doubt reeking in the daytime heat. 

We did have piped-in water, and electricity, which was used to heat dinner on a hot-plate affair, though there was no gas and no oven to speak of.

One wonders if Site C on the Peace River isn't built, what we will do in the future, especially if we refuse to twin the present pipeline that terminates in Burnaby and forbid the construction of others, carrying both crude and natural gas?

Still, somehow, I have managed to live another 60 years or so, even considering the environmental hell I experienced in my tender years.

Larry Bennett, Burnaby