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OUR VIEW: Here's who earned a thumbs up and a thumbs down in the news this week

We couldn’t find just one topic to comment on because there’s so much going on out there in our community – so we’re giving thumbs up and thumbs down on a variety of topics.
thumbs up thumbs down

We couldn’t find just one topic to comment on because there’s so much going on out there in our community – so we’re giving thumbs up and thumbs down on a variety of topics.

Thumbs up – to Pavement Patty, who sacrificed herself by getting run over numerous times to raise awareness about driving slowly in school zones. The Community Against Preventable Injuries, BCAA and the Burnaby school district partnered on the 3D optical illusion to draw attention to persistent poor driving behaviours in school zones across the province. It’s the kind of fresh idea we need more of to protect our children.

Thumbs down – to the dumb drivers who necessitate the need to create Pavement Patty. These reckless drivers continue to be a problem, according to a survey of B.C. principals, teachers and parents conducted last week for BCAA by Insights West. Eighty per cent of those surveyed said they had witnessed speeding, 73 per cent had witnessed motorists not stopping for crosswalks, 78 per cent had seen parents encouraging their kids to do unsafe things and 56 per cent witnessed at least one near miss during this year’s back-to-school week. Maybe if you are driving to go perform emergency brain surgery, we could possibly cut you some slack for being distracted – but driving like a maniac so you can get to Starbucks is no excuse.

Thumbs up – to all of the people who have put their names forward to run for political office in the Oct. 20 civic election (please tell us you know there will be an election soon!). We might not always agree with the policies you campaign on, or the way you go about campaigning, but we appreciate that it takes a certain amount of courage to become a candidate. It’s not easy to have people poking into your life and taking shots at you on social media. And if you get elected, that means a long, four-year commitment of your life. Candidates sacrifice, and we appreciate you all for getting involved.

Thumbs down – to the trolls who harass all of these candidates on social media. You aren’t helping make our community a better place. In fact, you are discouraging really good people from getting involved in politics because of the damage you inflict. Just stop. 

Thumbs down – to LandlordBC, which decided to send out a news release saying how much they are (newsflash!) against reducing the 4.5-per-cent maximum allowable rent increase. If anything, the landlords group claimed the 4.5 per cent isn’t even enough, calling it “inadequate.” The group then went on to claim that landlords are actually advocates for renters, which was received with about as much incredulity as one would expect. The tiny violins are playing for all of the landlords right now.