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Fassbender just looks foolish

Dear Editor: According to Education Minister Peter Fassbender, a teacher attending a district meeting obtained a document outlining a B.C. Teachers' Federation strike plan and passed it on to the government.

Dear Editor:
According to Education Minister Peter Fassbender, a teacher attending a district meeting obtained a document outlining a B.C. Teachers' Federation strike plan and passed it on to the government.
What does the minister do? Does he think maybe the release of a strike plan  before the results of a strike vote are tabulated is extremely  unusual?  Does he attempt to verify the authenticity of the document?
No, what he immediately does is distribute copies to journalists and raise the alarm of classroom disruption.  
Given the history of the relationship between the government and teachers, one cannot be faulted for wondering if this whole matter was staged.
The minister assures us that "that's not the way we operate."  
We are left wondering, however, whether he is referring to the suggestion of government dirty tricks or its knee-jerk response.
Either way, Fassbender and the government look pretty foolish.
Bill Brassington, Burnaby