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Global warming not a hoax

Claims that greenhouse gases do not cause global warming are not only false, but they are deeply malicious and are made with the deliberate intent of confusing people.

Claims that greenhouse gases do not cause global warming are not only false, but they are deeply malicious and are made with the deliberate intent of confusing people. The specific purpose is to delay action on global warming so that people who are not yet here to speak for themselves will inherit a poisoned Earth.

Anybody who cares about the future of their children, and in a more general sense, about other people's children, needs to inform themselves about these issues so that the motivations of the global warming deniers become clear.

An article on at, discusses the cause-effect relationship between greenhouse gases and global warming in fairly simple terms, but is sophisticated enough to be useful.

It takes a certain amount of effort to learn about these issues, but ignorance triumphs when apathy is the order of the day. The corollary to this, of course, is that people who want to have our societies ruled by ignorance put a lot of effort into promoting apathy, and these mechanisms are also well understood.

Victor Finberg, Victor Finberg, via email via email