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Letter: Burnaby's recreation facilities are way behind city's needs

Where was the forethought years ago when Brentwood and Lougheed began to develop? That's this writer's question.
A rendering of the new Confederation Park Community Centre in North Burnaby. This writer says recreation facilities haven't kept up with the city's growth.

The Editor:

Re: development of the new Confederation Park Community Centre

We do use Confederation Centre, but currently we are forced to use Gilpin School, Hastings Community Centre (Vancouver) and Bonsor Recreation Complex because Burnaby North and Capitol Hill residents don’t have any nearby options.

Two gyms are mandatory — with so many towers in the Brentwood area and the influx of more people, where are we to go for our fitness needs?

It’s a joke that all this construction of facilities is taking place at the same time that others are being rebuilt or demolished rather than have a master plan to develop these facilities, when it was years ago that Brentwood and Lougheed were planned for all this growth — without any thought as to having facilities planned alongside or in advance of the needs of the people.

Who is really running the city, or are you just reacting last minute?

William Seto