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Letter: Sun sets on outdoor swimming experience at Burnaby pool

This is the last fair-weather season that swimmers will be able to enjoy sunshine and blue sky at Central Park pool, reader laments.
The Burnaby mayor wants to see a permanent cover at Central Park Outdoor Pool.

Editor: This summer my family and I again have been enjoying the outdoor swimming at Central Park pool. The sunshine, blue sky and trees surrounding pool make it unique and special. I bring friends and family and they all love it.

Now, for 50 synchronized swimmers who will quickly return to their regular pools at SFU, Canada Games and C.G. Brown pools once as they are back open, Mayor Hurley is blocking out the sun in perpetuity for the rest of us at this Burnaby pool.

Get your last chance to swim in the open sky as this is the last summer it will be available.

Karin Alzner