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LETTERS: Make that F for fabulous - more from the mayor

Dear Editor In your Feb.
Dear Editor
In your Feb. 24 letter, Residents lose in BCA turf war hypocrisy, in which members of the Burnaby First Coalition note that Burnaby received an “F” for effective governance in the Maclean’s Magazine study that named Burnaby “Best Run City in Canada” and noted that Burnaby is “lean, debt-free, and offering great public service, Burnaby is a model for the country,” they fail to note that the Maclean’s magazine writer’s explanation for the “F” in effective governance is that Burnaby had a relatively low municipal voter turnout that he suggests may be because the Burnaby Citizens’ Association has held the council majority for 24 years.
If our citizens’ satisfaction with our government is the reason for our low score in effective governance, I don’t see the “F” as a failing grade.
Derek R. Corrigan, mayor, City of Burnaby