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LETTERS: Renters have nowhere to go these days

Dear Editor: Mayor Derek Corrigan made a statement the other day that it’s unrealistic of those of us living in older rentals in the Metrotown area to expect to continue to live there and pay a rent of $400 a month for our apartments.

Dear Editor: Mayor Derek Corrigan made a statement the other day that it’s unrealistic of those of us living in older rentals in the Metrotown area to expect to continue to live there and pay a rent of $400 a month for our apartments.

I would like to inform him you cannot even get a shoebox for this price in this area. I pay $800 a month for a studio or bachelor apartment here and expect to pay an increasing rent every year. If the mayor would provide us with affordable housing (that’s comparable to the above ) somewhere else in Burnaby, I am prepared to move as long as it is a safe area, which Metrotown is at present.

We have nowhere to go with the high rents in the new condos, hence the movement to stop the demoviction. Neither do we wish to stand in the way of progress. We hope some solution can be found to this issue.

Joan Chandran, Burnaby