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LETTERS: Snow, ice make for treacherous conditions

Dear Editor This letter is intended for Mayor Derek Corrigan. Mayor, I hope that you enjoyed Christmas with your family. The rest of us have been dealing with slick sidewalks that are the responsibility of city workers.

Dear Editor

This letter is intended for Mayor Derek Corrigan. Mayor, I hope that you enjoyed Christmas with your family. The rest of us have been dealing with slick sidewalks that are the responsibility of city workers.

As citizens, we have been informed that we face fines for not cleaning the sidewalks around our homes, complexes and businesses, but for the past three weeks, we have had to find ways around the ice fields in the city that should have been dealt with during that time. There are some issues with this.

First of all, how can you demand that citizens do what the city has failed to do?

Second, why is it okay to risk life and limb because the city failed to do its duty?  Don’t you care about the safety of Burnaby citizens?

Third, you made life a lot tougher for people to get around. This resulted in higher absenteeism and lost productivity.

Fourth, by making it hard to get around, you also impacted Christmas sales in our city and directly impacted city coffers.

So, please enjoy your Christmas break.  When you are done, perhaps you can take a little time to do some ice removal so that we can each arrive in 2017 in one piece.

Merry Christmas,

Andrew Acherman, Burnaby