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LETTERS: Trudeau is just another Harper

Dear Editor: An open letter to MP Terry Beech: You’re the MP for our area, so I thought I would let you know of my displeasure with your party on several fronts.

Dear Editor:

An open letter to MP Terry Beech:

You’re the MP for our area, so I thought I would let you know of my displeasure with your party on several fronts.

Kinder Morgan pipeline in our backyard – why are we caving in to foreign interests (China’s demand for this so they can have more cheap oil) to put our own environment at risk for their financial gain? It is short-term thinking, like usual for Canada. Exploit resources until they’re gone, then what? This needs a rethink. Let your boss know. We could be a clean energy leader, instead we’re stuck in the past.  

Ditching electoral reform – another mistake.  Trudeau could have gone done in history as the guy who brought the Canadian electoral system into the 21st century instead of staying stuck in the 19th. Instead he’s going to go down in history as a flash in the pan, all style and no substance.  

A lot of people voted for you guys believing in change, and instead all we’ve gotten is a cuter Harper. 

That’s not fair, you say? Well, when you’re ramming through omnibus bills – you know, those ones where you put the sneaky stuff together hidden in a bunch of other things and then slap some lipstick on it so hopefully no one will notice – you’re acting like Harper did. And if memory serves, you guys did an awful lot of complaining about it when he did it. 

I’m not a Harper supporter by any stretch, but I’m having a hard time seeing the difference between Harper and Trudeau these days.

Anyway, it would be great to see you standing up to Trudeau and telling him this isn’t going to fly, but I guess you probably can’t. Too bad. Enjoy Ottawa while it lasts.

Steve Brugger, Burnaby