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LETTERS: Who is Burnaby city council working for?

Dear Editor Burnaby’s city council, just who are they working for? I moved to Burnaby in 2008, and since moving here I voted for Derek Corrigan and his team in the last two municipal elections, but I no longer have confidence in either him, or his co

Dear Editor

Burnaby’s city council, just who are they working for? I moved to Burnaby in 2008, and since moving here I voted for Derek Corrigan and his team in the last two municipal elections, but I no longer have confidence in either him, or his council running mates.

Sure they have accumulated large surpluses, but I get the feeling that like Christy Clark, our Council is working for the wealthy developers, not the people of Burnaby.

Although development is great, I see far too many people being forced out of perfectly good lowrise rental buildings, so the building can be demolished to make way for highrise towers. Where are these renters supposed to live, with vacancy rate of next to zero?

Council keeps saying there us nothing they can do, but how about they simply say NO to these developers, for a change? I’m thinking in the next election, it’s time to make changes, and vote in a council, that will represent the people, all of the people, not just developers.

Wayne McQueen, Burnaby