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MLAs have a duty

Dear Editor Nelson Tsui’s letter states that Mr. Lee was elected four consecutive times to office. Therefore, Mr.

Dear Editor

Nelson Tsui’s letter states that Mr. Lee was elected four consecutive times to office. Therefore, Mr. Tsui’s reasons that “the real issue is not whether some of us are happy or unhappy with his performance, rather, whether it is democratic to remove him from office between elections.”

That statement is totally illogical since it presumes that once elected, an MLA should not be recalled. What if he commits a crime? What if he does nothing for the past 13 years years to justify his salary? I cannot recall one issue Mr. Lee has addressed or worked on. I only recall his photo on every publication congratulating people and organizations for any project. Is this the only function of a MLA?

The recall legislation was passed to allow the citizens to remove politicians who have proven themselves unsuitable to hold office.

Thomas Hara, Burnaby