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No layoffs? Think again

Dear Editor: Re: Burnaby balances school budget - avoids layoffs, Burnaby NOW, April 26. I think Mr.

Dear Editor:

Re: Burnaby balances school budget - avoids layoffs, Burnaby NOW, April 26.

I think Mr. Greg Frank is confused, or someone has given him false information because I, an elementary teacher working in Burnaby, have a letter notifying me that I have been laid off sitting right beside me as I write this. I received said letter last Wednesday, when my principal handed it to me and told me with emotion filling his face that he was so sorry, but there was nothing he could do. This isn't even the first time I have been laid off; this is the third year in a row! It has nothing to do with my performance as a teacher or how much I contribute to the school community. According to the letter, I've been laid off due to "contractual requirements."

I had to sit in my classroom that I have given my blood, sweat and tears to, and listen to my principal tell me he couldn't believe this was happening. He even called the Burnaby school board to ask if there had been a mistake. It infuriates me to hear Greg Frank claim that no teachers have been laid off. What do you call what I have experienced or the other 75 to 100 teachers who have been "laid off" in Burnaby last week? What do you call the pain, knowing that I have to leave a school I love? What do you call having to leave a staff that I adore? What do I tell my students when I tell them I won't be here next year? Not because I have done anything wrong. Because of "contractual requirement."

I would love to invite Mr. Greg Frank to come to my school and explain to my class why I won't be returning next year. He can see the shock, pain, hurt and disappointment on their little faces because I have already experienced this two times now and do not look forward to experiencing it for a third.

Jaime Acker, via email