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Parties already know if you've voted

Dear Editor: Re: How private should your vote be? Our View, April 22, Burnaby NOW . As someone who has worked for Elections Canada and Elections B.C., I can tell you that the political parties already have access to know if you’ve voted.

Dear Editor:

Re: How private should your vote be? Our View, April 22, Burnaby NOW.

As someone who has worked for Elections Canada and Elections B.C., I can tell you that the political parties already have access to know if you’ve voted.

On voting day, the polling clerk records who has voted, and scrutineers from any party have the right to a copy of that list throughout the day. Typically, they take that list and cross-reference it with their own list of supporters to see who hasn’t voted yet, and will follow up and encourage that person to mark their ballot. In many cases, a ride can be arranged as well. All parties have access to this form, which is linked to the overall voters list, which they also have access to. Every voter is identified by a number and polling station. As long as the party has enough scrutineers, they can collect the sheets at the end of the night and know who voted, but never, ever who they voted for. Nor do the polling clerks working the election.

I am incredibly impressed with how well our system works. While it might seem simple  – mark a piece of paper with an X  – it is an amazingly secure and private method for people to elect our government officials.

As long as they choose to vote, of course.

Brad Sherwin, by email