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Dear Editor: Re: 'No lungs' protest targets smokers, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 4. I agree with everything Leo Levasseur said in the article. I would like to go even further.

Dear Editor:

Re: 'No lungs' protest targets smokers, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 4. I agree with everything Leo Levasseur said in the article. I would like to go even further.

It is bad enough when I am at Lougheed Mall and have to walk from Safeway to the entrance near the IHOP and have to walk by both Safeway employees and other mall patrons smoking under the covered walkway connecting to the mall entrance.

The same thing happens on the other side of Safeway when you enter the mall by Tim Hortons.

To me it seems that most smokers are lazy and inconsiderate of other people. As Leo says "Why should we be subject to their addictions?" I would also like to see these smokers paying more for health care and/or have smokers charged a health surcharge on the products they buy to help pay more towards the $605 million we end up having to pay for their direct health-care related costs. Why should non-smokers be penalized for their addiction?

Ron McIlmoyle, Burnaby