Dear Editor:
Re: Bloy: 'No' is the way to go, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, July 6.
When I read MLA Harry Bloy's mendacious letter on why we should keep the HST, my blood pressure went to an all-time high.
The reasons he pointed out (too many to quote) for us to consider, in order to convince ourselves to vote "No" on the HST referendum are nothing more than what other Liberal politicians have already, in a futile way, tried to ram down our throat.
Here are some real facts: I just made a $13,000 purchase and paid $1,560 HST. Under the previous GST/PST system, I would have paid only $650 in tax. That means I would have saved $910. Now, add that to the rest of the savings I would have benefited from, during the rest of a fiscal year, and out of the two systems, I would call the GST/PST the real taxpayers' beneficial system.
We owe it to ourselves to keep more of our dollar in our pockets and to tell our politicians that we want and deserve a democratic government. This is our chance. Let's make it work !
Frank Di Cesare,