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Thanks for returning cash

Dear Editor: I am a senior living in Burnaby and have recently begun to use TaxiSavers occasionally.

Dear Editor:

I am a senior living in Burnaby and have recently begun to use TaxiSavers occasionally.

On the last occasion, I noticed the driver of Bonny's Taxi flipped the meter when we arrived at the store then charged me $20 more for the fare than the previous time I used the taxi for the same route.

I complained to Bonny's Taxi that I was taken advantage of and was told that this was an illegal practice, but I wanted to be reimbursed the extra fare I was charged.

I followed up with a phone call to the licensing department at city hall and was told the matter would be taken care of. Today, a person from Bonny's Taxi came to my house with the $20.

I would like to thank city hall for following up on my complaint, and also to Bonny's Taxi for reimbursing me.

I would also like to remind other seniors using a taxi to watch that the driver doesn't flip the meter and overcharge them.

Jake Otter, Burnaby