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Tired of constant tax increases

Dear Editor: Re: Homeowners get 2.47 per cent tax increase, Burnaby NOW, May 10. When will the Burnaby city council drop the pre-tense that they are effectively controlling spending and wisely using our tax dollars.

Dear Editor:

Re: Homeowners get 2.47 per cent tax increase, Burnaby NOW, May 10.

When will the Burnaby city council drop the pre-tense that they are effectively controlling spending and wisely using our tax dollars.

Every year, for as long as I can remember, property taxes in Burnaby have increased at a rate faster than inflation. Every year, council blames these increases on wage increases and outside sources like the Metro Vancouver regional government.

This year, they are even further disguising the actual increase by charging separately for garbage pickup.

At the same time, Burnaby continues to build up an ever-increasing reserve of funds - funds that actually represent extra tax burdens on individuals.

I believe taxes are a necessary and good thing when they are properly allocated to support the services we demand as citizens. I have few illusions that Burnaby council actually does such a good job at fiscal management.

It's time council cut the BS, started using some of the reserves to support services in Burnaby and came clean with voters about what is actually happening to the real tax rates we pay. Those rates include fees charged at city facilities, property and business taxes and other items added to tax bills.

After all, taxpayers only have one wallet.

Carl Dillon, Burnaby