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United Way has its priorities wrong

Dear Editor: United Way cuts will impact city seniors, The Record, April 2.

Dear Editor:

United Way cuts will impact city seniors, The Record, April 2.

Would it be rude of me to ask just why it is that "seniors" would be the victim of proposed cutbacks from United Way because of a drop in funding? We are told that the United Way gets both government funding, along with private funds. 

Full disclosure here: I do not donate to the United Way and do not approve of the government, any government, assisting in their so-called charities. 

The reason I do not is because the United Way donates funds to Planned Parenthood, which mostly concerns itself with building and supporting abortion clinics, in mostly downtown urban areas. 

Given that abortion is a matter of personal choice, it is my contention that those making the choice, a choice that seldom arises from dire medical consequences (pregnancy is not an illness) that they pay for these non-necessary surgical intrusions themselves?

Odd, isn't it, that the United Way does not tell us how much they give to Planned Parenthood? 

It is true that you may donate to the United Way, while making preferences to which causes your monies are directed, but - well, I don't trust them in this.

Perhaps if more people knew of this diversion of funds, more people would suggest they make cuts to Planned Parenthood's funding, and less to seniors' causes?

Larry Bennett, Burnaby