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Letter: I'm 'disgusted' by a parachuted candidate in Burnaby South

Editor: Re: Singh ‘disgusted’ by refugee rhetoric , NOW , Feb.
Jagmeet singh
Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.


Re: Singh ‘disgusted’ by refugee rhetoric, NOW, Feb. 14

What I find “disgusting” is that a parachuted candidate who is not a Burnaby citizen dares to criticize Burnaby candidates who live here and are running here (that is what democracy is supposed to look like) and who exercise their right to free speech (or does the NDP want to take that away?).

I disagree with all parties who parachute party people into other districts because there is a better chance of getting elected. When you analyze that process it is very similar to third world politics. You provide an incentive (I call it a bribe) of a prestige position or more money or extra pension to vacate a position in a riding so that large amounts of money from the party can parachute a candidate of their (not the local citizens of Burnaby) choosing along with a big advertising budget to win that seat.

I, for one, would not like my donated money to a political party be used in that manner.

You have to ask - is a person really a leader if he/she cannot be elected in their own city or environment? Does that alone not send up a red flag? In my opinion, if a party leader does not get elected in his local riding, the party should choose another leader from those that have been elected. After all, that would be the will of the people. That would be true democracy in action, but I guess I dream too much.

For the NDP supporters in Burnaby who will vote, you really need to ask whether parachuting a candidate is a truly democratic process. I personally find this process a lot more “disgusting” than local candidates expressing their right-given opinions.

As a Burnaby citizen, I feel “disgusted” that a parachuted candidate, who knows little about the real needs of the local people, will most likely be elected by a minority (about 40 per cent) of the citizens of Burnaby by a process of throwing large amounts of money at it. He will then go back to Ottawa to attend to Parliament duties, attend committees, run the leadership of the NDP and spend time on in-fighting as well as collecting a large paycheck. Oh and by the way, he will give a few token hours to the needs of Burnaby.

Peter Tamminga