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Letter: Outrageous fees are pushing Burnaby residents away from activities

Editor: I have been a Burnaby resident now for five years and very much would like to see this community more vibrant, more healthy, more connected. We are all pressured by taxes, multiple bills, insurance, gas rates and so on.


I have been a Burnaby resident now for five years and very much would like to see this community more vibrant, more healthy, more connected.

We are all pressured by taxes, multiple bills, insurance, gas rates and so on. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning and getting really tired - not only from winter weather.

Sports and laughter are some of the things that makes people happy. It sounds simple and easy. We all know that some people need a little kick to go outside, to keep moving, but once they are out - they connect, they bring a little sunshine into their souls.

So, I do not understand why organizations are asking money for it if their main purpose is to bring people together? People already pay for so many things.

I do understand that nothing comes for free, but common $50-plus fees for running 10 kilometres? Really? Why do you force people to pay for some T-shirts and food that they don't want? What about a family of three?

Simona Dziaugyte, Burnaby