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BC News

Former Vancouver Canuck Jake Virtanen testifies at sexual assault trial

Former Vancouver Canuck Jake Virtanen testifies at sexual assault trial

Former Vancouver Canuck Jake Virtanen, 25, was charged with sexual assault in January 2022 following a police investigation while he was still playing in the NHL. He pleaded not guilty.
Minister announces coroner's inquest into Vancouver hotel fire deaths

Minister announces coroner's inquest into Vancouver hotel fire deaths

VANCOUVER — B.C.'s public safety minister has announced a coroner's inquest into the deaths of two people in a fire at the Winters Hotel in downtown Vancouver in April.
Virtanen's lawyer apologizes for 'insensitive' sexual assault trial questions

Virtanen's lawyer apologizes for 'insensitive' sexual assault trial questions

"That question was insensitive and I apologize for my suggestion," defence lawyer Brock Martland told the court.
Tax evasion in B.C. real estate transactions persists, CRA audits show

Tax evasion in B.C. real estate transactions persists, CRA audits show

The Canada Revenue Agency has found hundreds of millions of dollars in unreported income tax via B.C. real estate audits — over $1.1 billion in assessments since 2015.
Environment Ministry to help Vancouver Island golf course get rid of pesky pigs

Environment Ministry to help Vancouver Island golf course get rid of pesky pigs

VICTORIA — Conservation officers are preparing to round up feral pigs on a golf course whose operators say the animals have caused thousands of dollars in damage.
Soaring feed costs impacting bottom lines for farmers, those with livestock

Soaring feed costs impacting bottom lines for farmers, those with livestock

“The cost of animal feed right now is is skyrocketing,” says Glenn Grant, executive director and general manager of the B.C. Wildlife Par
Two new dragonfly family fossils dating back 50 million years discovered near Princeton

Two new dragonfly family fossils dating back 50 million years discovered near Princeton

A milestone has been achieved for mapping the history of insects in the world, specifically in Princeton, as two new fossils of the dragonfly order of insects have been discovered that are around 50 million years old.
Canada’s cruise sector aims for smoother sailing season

Canada’s cruise sector aims for smoother sailing season

Lessons learned from painful 2020 have raised health, safety bar for passengers in 2022
Made-in-B.C. tech headed for International Space Station next year

Made-in-B.C. tech headed for International Space Station next year

Metaspectral’s computer vision software can be used to quickly identify everything from forest fires to oil spills
Prince George local and UNBC grad lands internship at the B.C. legislature

Prince George local and UNBC grad lands internship at the B.C. legislature

Sarah Ash will be heading to Victoria to take part in the B.C. legislative internship program