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Economy, Law & Politics

Soaring Vancouver hotel prices could fuel new development

Soaring Vancouver hotel prices could fuel new development

International report projects an 8.9% increase in Vancouver hotel rates next year
Competition intensity has decreased over last two decades, Competition Bureau finds

Competition intensity has decreased over last two decades, Competition Bureau finds

OTTAWA — Competition Bureau commissioner Matthew Boswell says new research from the bureau finds the competition intensity in the country has decreased over the last two decades.
Self-employment pulls back as younger Canadians shy away from entrepreneurship: RBC

Self-employment pulls back as younger Canadians shy away from entrepreneurship: RBC

TORONTO — Younger Canadians don't want to be their own bosses, intensifying the slowdown in entrepreneurship in Canada, according to a new RBC report.
Statistics Canada says country posts $718M merchandise trade surplus for August

Statistics Canada says country posts $718M merchandise trade surplus for August

OTTAWA — Canada's merchandise trade balance shifted to a surplus in August, helped by strong growth in exports of unwrought gold and crude oil, Statistics Canada said.
British Columbians remain overwhelmingly supportive of grizzly bear hunting ban: survey

British Columbians remain overwhelmingly supportive of grizzly bear hunting ban: survey

Public feedback on the NDP government’s draft Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework remains open until Oct. 6
Stronger information laws can counter conspiracy theories, commissioner says

Stronger information laws can counter conspiracy theories, commissioner says

Disinformation undermines confidence in the legitimacy of democratic institutions, senior governments told.
West Vancouver No. 2 in Canada for income inequality, study finds

West Vancouver No. 2 in Canada for income inequality, study finds

The StatCan data measures income reported in the country, which can leave out other sources of wealth
PR pros launch Vancouver-based Framepoint Public Affairs

PR pros launch Vancouver-based Framepoint Public Affairs

New firm specializes in public affairs, government relations and digital advocacy
Rob Shaw: Conservative leader Rustad's presence stands to alter B.C.'s political dynamics

Rob Shaw: Conservative leader Rustad's presence stands to alter B.C.'s political dynamics

With official recognition as a party, the BC Conservatives quickly upend the legislature
City wants locals to weigh in on future 'Broadway public realm'

City wants locals to weigh in on future 'Broadway public realm'

Will that mean natural-looking parks, public art, reallocated road space, or something else?