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Meet Joel Gibbs, Green council candidate

Get to know your candidates by reading their answers to our questionnaire
Joel Gibbs
Joel Gibbs

The Burnaby NOW asked every candidate running for office in the Oct. 20 civic election to fill out a questionnaire. We hope this helps you make an informed decision at the ballot box. 

Candidates were given strict word limits and a deadline to submit their answers. Those who missed the deadline will not have their questionnaires posted and answers exceeding word limits will be cut off.

More candidate questionnaires can be found here and more of our election coverage can be found here.

Name: Joel Gibbs

Current occupation: Logistics Co-ordinator with Shift Delivery

Tell us about yourself.

I am a renter with a passion to make our city more liveable, walkable and community oriented. Walking, riding my bicycle, and transit are key to helping me move around the city and stay healthy. I enjoy gardening to relax, while also providing delicious food to eat and share. Being a nerd at heart, I love research and finding solution to the problems we face. I am a listener and aim to bring people from diverse backgrounds together, including those that are under-represented and currently unheard in our city.

What are the top three issues in Burnaby right now and what would you do to fix them?

1. Housing affordability is the key issue. First we must end demovictions. Second, Burnaby must utilize city land/resources in partnership with non-profit and community housing groups to build dramatically more non-market, speculation proof housing. Third, we will create more purpose-built rental through zoning and development requirements.

2. Everyone needs safe and accessible transportation options. Completing the city’s sidewalk network, making it fully accessible and implementing a city-wide safe, separated cycling network are key to increase local mobility and active transportation. Working with Translink, we will implement transit priority along frequent routes and create better north-south connections.

3. Large parts of Burnaby are not easily walkable and lack vibrancy and places to bring people together. In addition to completing the sidewalk network, we need to allow local serving markets and shops to be walkable in every neighbourhood of Burnaby and provide for accessible communal spaces to build community.

If you have run for office before, what have you learned? If you have not, why are you running now?

I am running for Burnaby council because the current councillors lack compassion. They have shown a narcissistic attitude towards families they were demovicting from their homes and denied the existence and humanity of the homeless people in our city. That is wrong. Additionally, council is missing diversity of perspective. Burnaby needs to hear the voices of people from all backgrounds and experiences, especially those that are less privilege and precariously housed. 

What is one achievement and one failure of Burnaby council in the last four years?

The obvious failure of the current mayor and council is their completely uncaring attitude towards people being displaced from their homes and willful disregard for the well-being of the homeless in Burnaby. Burnaby needs to treat everyone with respect, not contempt. One achievement for Burnaby is the protection of large areas of natural space in our city. Some of it has been coming under threat recently, and we also have large areas of Burnaby that lack easy access to natural space, but the scale of the amount that has been protected is a positive start.

What would make you a good councillor/mayor?

I have a background of research and knowledge about transportation and urban planning/design. I am passionate to include unheard voices in the conversation about our city. Accessibility and transparency is imperative. I will always be available via email and social media, with regular in person availability throughout Burnaby.

What movie is most relevant to your life and why?

Forrest Gump. I am a distance runner, and ran cross country competitively throughout high school and college, so at a basic level, I relate with all the running. Simple acts of kindness, bringing people together in all sorts of conditions, show that compassion is key to make things better.

How can voters reach you?

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 778-557-7225

Twitter: @_joelgibbs