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Province not effectively managing hazardous spills, says B.C.'s auditor general

Province not effectively managing hazardous spills, says B.C.'s auditor general

VICTORIA — The number of hazardous spills in British Columbia has trended upwards over the last several years, making it even more important for the government to prepare, auditor general Michael Pickup says.
Labour, environment groups make plea for Liberals' sustainable jobs bill to pass

Labour, environment groups make plea for Liberals' sustainable jobs bill to pass

OTTAWA — A dozen environment groups and labour organizations are pleading with the Liberal government to end a political stalemate over its forthcoming sustainable jobs bill.
Alaskan tribes claim B.C. mining threatens health of their rivers

Alaskan tribes claim B.C. mining threatens health of their rivers

Fifteen Alaskan tribes submitted a claim to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights this week saying B.C. mining is threatening their right to a healthy environment.
'A really good win for Mother Nature': B.C. man fined $250K for fishing in protected glass sponge reef refuge

'A really good win for Mother Nature': B.C. man fined $250K for fishing in protected glass sponge reef refuge

Dean Keitsch of Delta was sentenced on Jan. 31 for illegal prawn fishing near Sechelt in 2020.
B.C. boosts green rebates amid record deficit

B.C. boosts green rebates amid record deficit

In addition to a 25% boost in the BC Family Benefit Bonus, British Columbians will see a 10% increase in the Climate Action Tax Credit and a one-time $100 rebate on their hydro bill.
In B.C., inflation threatens local government's climate plans

In B.C., inflation threatens local government's climate plans

Staff at the District of Saanich have become the first in Canada to propose an aggressive solution to close the fiscal gap and balance the district's budget: sue the world's largest oil and gas companies. 
Greenpeace alleges lobbying push for 'questionable' carbon offsets

Greenpeace alleges lobbying push for 'questionable' carbon offsets

Greenpeace says it has revealed a 'concerted' industry effort to lobby Canadian government on its climate change and environmental policies, especially around 'often questionable' projects.
New Vancouver climate projections reveal 'big public health risk'

New Vancouver climate projections reveal 'big public health risk'

Vancouver climate projections shows scorching summers, a spike in extreme rainfall and a steep decline in snowfall.
B.C. environmental groups request review of tire chemical linked to salmon deaths

B.C. environmental groups request review of tire chemical linked to salmon deaths

A chemical known as 6PPD produces a breakdown substance that's lethal for coho salmon in particular.
Canadians urged to reduce carbon footprint with new tracker

Canadians urged to reduce carbon footprint with new tracker

Creators say the app is meant to be a fun way to encourage Canadians to think about their impact on climate change on a more regular basis.