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In the Community

Shooting for the stars

The Burnaby NOW caught up with 13-year-old Alexander Christine, a young aspiring actor who keeps himself busy helping seniors and perfecting his acting and piano-playing skills. Jennifer Moreau: Please introduce yourself.

ICBC seeks input on new approach

ICBC is launching a provincewide consultation process to give British Columbians the opportunity to provide input on potential changes to the way ICBC sets premiums for basic insurance coverage.

Willows are a bit picky

Question: I have a pretty Nishiki Willow which has been getting thinner each year in spite of clipping it back in summer. I have taken out several dead branches and given it 20-20-20 fertilizer in water.
Help for immigrants

Help for immigrants

Burnaby resident Lubna Abdelrahman hosts free, drop in life-skills sessions for immigrants on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Edmonds Community School. Newcomers can learn about healthy eating, emotional wellbeing, finances, family relationships and more.

Student earns award

The sculptures of Alpha Secondary student Jack Llorente have earned him a $3,000 visual and performing arts scholarship from the Michael J. Fox Theatre Society.
Photo gallery: Burnaby students help beautify the city

Photo gallery: Burnaby students help beautify the city

Burnaby's director of planning and building retires after 39 years

Basil Luksun's career path was inspired by the injustices he saw growing up in South Africa. The director of planning and building lived in the country during the Apartheid era.

Will gardenias grow well?

Question: We have moved to B.C. from Newfoundland, into a very small townhouse with a little area in front of our dining-room window.

Finding what's important on Mother's Day

There's two kinds of Mother's Day - the fantasy kind and the real kind. The fantasy version can be spotted in jewelry store commercials and soap operas.

Delicious Indian cuisine at King Mahal in Burnaby Heights

The cluster of women standing outside the King Mahal Restaurant in Burnaby Heights are in on a tantalizing secret.