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In the Community

Help for the animals

The Burnaby Firefighters' Charitable Society donated $1,261 to help wild animals in distress. The Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C. is using the money to buy a new air filtration system and specialized vet equipment to help its mammalian patients.

Lyrics website finds a buyer

Metrolyrics site acquired by CBS Interactive group

Approach health proactively

Most of us approach our health - and our lives - reactively. Almost all hospital and clinic visits are in response to a problem: an accidental injury, worrisome symptoms or disease out of control.

Get and give help with the Burnaby bureau

With October about to give way to November, the annual Burnaby Christmas Bureau campaign will be kicking into high gear: registration begins in just a few days and continues throughout the month and the toy room is getting organized and stocked.

Join in a choral journey

Phoenix Chamber Choir is inviting local music lovers along on a choral pilgrimage. The Burnaby-based choir, a 25-voice ensemble under the artistic direction of Ramona Luengen, is opening its 2011/12 concert season with The Path of the Pilgrim.

From the pumpkin patch

Pumpkins are an integral part of Halloween today just as they were in the pioneer times of North America - though the foods and celebrations have now become far more theatrical and macabre.

What's up this weekend?

We're continuing with our popular feature - our staff's Top 5 (Or More) Things To Do This Weekend. We've moved publication to our Friday editions.

Local company earns Eco Fashion honours

Divina Denuevo, a Burnaby-based company, won the Award of Excellence in Design in the accessories category at Eco Fashion Week in Vancouver at the beginning of October.

Take us travelling

Want to be featured in Paper Postcards? Take the Burnaby NOW along on your next trip and take a photo with a scenic backdrop or landmark. Send photos by email (high-resolution, please) to calendar@burnabynow.

Change starts small

In the Canadian Adverse Events Study published in the CMAJ in 2004, 7.5 per cent of hospital admissions resulted in adverse events (unintended injury) and 37 per cent of these were judged to be highly preventable.