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Local Business

Business Watch expanding

The City of Burnaby has moved forward with its plan to expand its Business Watch program - a pilot project in North Burnaby - to the southwest area of the city.

Keeping violence at bay in the workplace

Reporter Janaya Fuller-Evans caught up with Kevin Calder of K. Calder & Associates, a licensed security consultant specializing in workplace violence intervention since 2006. He works out of his home office in Burnaby.

SFU recognized as family-friendly employer

It'd be hard to pin down the components that make Simon Fraser University one of the country's most family-friendly employers when there's so many to choose from.

Anti-bullying contest underway

Metropolis at Metrotown is holding an online T-shirt design contest in conjunction with the antibullying initiative, Pink Shirt Day - held on Feb. 29. The contest runs until Feb.

Company in the Dragon's Den

Ads on Naps co-founders Jag Manhas and Phil Chow entered the Dragon's Den voluntarily - and survived.

Credit union gets tacky for charity at Christmastime

Bedazzled snowmen, neon reindeer, puffy Santas and all other manner of Christmas kitsch will be adorning the sweaters of Community Savings Credit Union employees this month. And it is all in the name of charity, as well as good fun.

Seeking Mayan wisdom on global travels

Local travel business sees a boom in interest in Mayan culture

Hall of Fame winner recognized

Carter Automotive chosen for annual honour

UniverCity wins award

Having the chance to plan an entire community on the top of a mountain isn't something that happens often.

Cool summer bad for local ice-cream vendors

The feeling of cold, melting chocolate peanut butter swirl scoops dribbling down the hand that's wrapped around an icecream cone . It's enough to get anybody running towards the sound of the local ice cream truck.