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Burnaby launches new program sign-up system after outdated software gets the boot

Burnaby has replaced its 30-year-old program registration software with a new, "more modern" system.
Burnaby has started using its new WebReg system to sign up for city programs.

Burnaby has replaced its 30-year-old program registration software with a new, "more modern" system.

It comes after hundreds of parents took to lining up in person at Burnaby rec centres to sign up their kids for city programs, as the old online system would crash before registration even started.

The city says the new system has greater capacity for more customers to register online at the same time, an improved search function, a personal calendar feature to view your family's registered activities, and a mobile-friendly interface.

But if you want to register for any upcoming summer programs, you'll still have to call or visit a rec centre in person as online registration isn't available for summer 2023 activities.

You'll be able to preview and plan your fall activities beginning Aug. 8. Fall registration for Burnaby residents will begin the week of Sept. 7.

Getting on the new system

The city is encouraging residents and parks and rec users to sign up or re-activate their accounts.

Any account that was used since Jan. 1, 2016, has been transferred over to the new WebReg system, including credit on the account balance and any amounts owing.

You can find multiple instructional videos and an FAQ for the new WebReg system, including how to sign up or re-activate your account, on the city's website.

📢 SOUND OFF: Have you used the new WebReg system to sign up for programs in Burnaby? Have you seen an improvement in ease of registration? Share your thoughts — send us a letter.