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Burnaby students scoop up $4,000 in prizes at national music contest

Two Burnaby school music groups won first prize and another took third place in the CBC 2022 Canadian Music Class Challenge.
Students with Capitol Hill Elementary School's chime and handbell ensemble Resonance perform on a video for the CBC Canadian Music Class Challenge.

Burnaby schools scooped up $4,000 in new musical instruments and three plaques in the CBC 2022 Canadian Music Class Challenge.

Capitol Hill Elementary School’s chime and handbell ensemble Resonance took first place in the elementary instrumental category (grades 4 to 6) for its rendition of the Cree lullaby Nikamo by Burnstick.

The Capitol Hill group, under the direction of music teacher Theresa Lui, earned the school a plaque and $3,000 in new musical instruments.

“Congratulations, Capitol Hill,” said Canadian Music Class Challenge executive producer Kai Black of the Resonance performance. “A well maintained tempo, and not one note out of place. Great job.” 

Marlborough Elementary School also won with Nikamo – but for a choral version in the Indigenous Languages category.

The performance, under the direction of music teacher Corina Kuban, earned the school $1,000 in new musical instruments and a plaque.

“The dramatic change in tempo and energy makes this a standout performance of Nikamo,” Black said of Marlborough’s video. “Well done, Marlborough Elementary.”

Capitol Hill also won a third-prize plaque in the primary instrumental category (kindergarten to Grade 3), with Division 11’s performance of Paper Heart by Jeremy and Jazzy.

Lui directed that group as well.

The annual CBC Canadian Music Class Challenge sees school music teachers choose a piece from a pre-approved list of Canadian songs, teach it to their students and send a video of their performance to the CBC.

A panel of musical judges then picks the winners.

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